Church Lane, Gawsworth SK11 9RJ
SJ889696 Lat/Lng 53.2236,-2.16771
6¾ miles (11.1 km)
This is an easy walk of 6.9 miles with an ascent of 400feet (OS maps) starting from Church Lane Gawsworth. The start point is between the Church and the Pub.
This walk goes across fields almost to North Rode then across to the canal. We walk along the canal for a couple of miles then cut up to Woodhouse Green Farm, along a quiet road for a short distance before walking back to Gawsworth across fields. Remember a drink and snack as we may even have 2 stops.
PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE ON THE DAY FOR ANY CHANGES TO THE WALK. NB Finish times are intended as a guide only. You do not need to book a place on this walk.
Ramblers Association recommends that all walkers carry ICE (in case of emergency) information