Strenuous, hilly walk from Middle Assendon visiting most of Fawley (and estate), Southend, a few Turvilles, Pishill, Maidensgrove, Crocker End, Bix, Bix Bottom, wonderful views! Please bring a picnic lunch. BOOKING REQUIRED by text please. 2000 ft of ascent. HG Walk Leader DH 07720 898714
Thursday, 1 May 2025
- Start time:
- 9:30 am
- Estimated finish time:
- 3:30 pm
- Difficulty:
- Strenuous
- Distance:
- 24.1km / 15.0mi
- Ascent:
- 609.6m / 2000ft
- Type:
- circular
Unless email is specifically requested in the walk description, please use the Walk Leader's telephone number(s) for any queries or bookings.