- Grid reference:
- TQ 47175 18167
- Nearest postcode:
- TN22 5TS
- what3words:
- emporium.dispensed.lasted
- Start time:
- 9:45 am
Parking arrangements: The start point is in the car park by Little Horsted Church of England Primary school which can be found off the A26 between Uckfield and Lewes just south of Uckfield. Coming from the North from Crowborough carry on round the Uckfield by pass until you get to the Little Horsted roundabout. Turn right onto the A26. Shortly after the roundabout you will see Little Horsted Church on the left by a right hand bend in the road.
Turn left at the church and follow the lane around past the church, round to the left, past the school fields until you see the car park on the right hand side of the lane.