A figure of 8 walk from Ombersley. The first section goes down to, and along, the Severn. We leave the Severn after 2-3 miles to walk up to Uphampton and then back to Ombersley. We will have coffee somewhere along the river and lunch in the churchyard at Ombersley.
It is a fairly flat walk with some mud. There is an option to just walk the first 6 miles or to do the whole 9.5 miles. There is a fallen tree along the river which needs to be climbed over which is a bit awkward. Some nice views.
Please bring a snack and drink for a mid morning break plus a packed lunch if wanted (but this is not essential if you are just doing this part of the walk). For those only walking 6 miles, there is the option of several pubs and a cafe in Ombersley for refreshments.