This walk has been cancelled

Dumgoyne inaccessible due to temporary path closures. Walk has been re-published for 29th March 2025

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Strathkelvin Group

We are the Strathkelvin Ramblers. We open the way for everyone in our local community to enjoy the pleasures of walking.

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking
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We park in the carpark at the back of St Kessogs church in Blanefield, 

We then walk the pipeline track towards Killearn, named the pipeline track because it contains the pipe that brings the water from Loch Katrine to Milngavie reservoir, 

Just short of Killearn we veer right onto a LRT that increases our height this will be at a steady pace. We then reach the path up onto Dumgoyne, because we have been increasing height it is only 5 minutes up although rocky.

On the way down we take a gentle sloping path on the other side and down onto a sheep track along the foothill of the Campsie's before a drop down to the pipeline track again,

Its then a walk back on this track to Blanefield and the cars.

See Photo #2  Local Grade - B

For those walkers who do not wish to tackle the short, but steep, ascent/descent of Dumgoyne, Aileen will lead this group around the back of Dumgoyne and Dumfoyn to rejoin with the main group further along the path.

See Photo #3  Local Grade - Easy B

Saturday, 25 January 2025
Meeting time:
8:30 am
Start time:
9:30 am
Estimated finish time:
3:00 pm
17.7km / 11.0mi
427m / 1401ft

In the event of inclement weather we have a lower option without going up Dumgoyne,

Also low level walker may wish to join us and walk their own route around the distillery.


  • Car parking available
  • Car sharing available

Meeting point

Grid reference:
NS 65348 73411
Nearest postcode:
G66 1XQ
Meeting time:
8:30 am

Carpark across from Kirkintilloch Police station

Starting point

Grid reference:
NS 55665 79690
Nearest postcode:
G63 9JD
Start time:
9:30 am

Car park at rear of St Kessog's church

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking