Please note the startpoint for our circumnavigation has been changed to Ryde in place of Cowes as previously listed, to give a better chance for the path further west to dry up and de-mud a bit by the time we reach the more westerly sections.
We will be walking the Coastal Path round the island in sections - anticlockwise this time.
This is the first of our coastal path stages. It is a linear walk. Meeting at Ryde Interchange at 10.00am
There are some lovely sections on this walk but be aware that it is not the most scenic section of the coastal path overall, as it does have significant sections of road walking – including down the main road into East Cowes. But that can’t be helped – unless and until English Heritage in particular change their minds to allow access over the Osborne Estate (feel free to write to them !), these roads are where the path goes. So not my favourite section, but it's not a bad walk and gets it done at the start. And it's a relatively flat and easy section
The coastal ("coastal") path at this point heads out of Ryde via Binstead, Quarr Abbey, Wootton, Fishbourne, and Whippingham, ending at East Cowes.
Please note that there are easy partway “escape” points accessible by public transport on this section of the walk in particular at Quarr or Wootton (or indeed Whippingham if you want to avoid the final main road stretch into East Cowes - though at least it's downhill !). So if you are wanting a shorter distance walk, you are obviously free to "dip out" and catch the bus at any point - just let me know on the day if you decide to do that !
Toilets and food/drink opportunities
By car :
If you are carshare / shuffling , park one car at East Cowes town centre, and then drive back and park the second at Ryde - free onstreet parking or pay car-parks in both towns
But probably easier (and better for the roads and the planet) to just park at (or bus to) Ryde and then get the bus back to Ryde (or onwards home) at the end of the walk
By public transport :
Plenty of choice of bus (and train) connections to Ryde Interchange from all directions
Then at the end of the walk :
No 4 buses back from East Cowes to the Ryde startpoint hourly at 25 mins past the hour (should be OK for the 14.25)
Or if you're heading back to Newport then the No 5 bus is half hourly at 15 and 45 mins past the hour
Car share
In the interests of the air, parking, and non-drivers, if anyone is able to offer, or needs, a cars hare then please post on WhatsApp group (to join group please message Serena 07564-811690)
~ Sun 4 May
~ Sun 8 June (amended from 1 June due to diary clash)
~ Sun 29 June
~ Sun 27 July
~ Sun 17 Aug
~ Sun 7 Sept
*** ~ Sun 28 Sept
***Unsure atm whether or not we will need this date or not to complete the circumnavigation. If not, then I will aim to use this date for another walk or extravaganza
NB : If today's walk has to be postponed for any reason, weather or otherwise, it will simply take place on the date listed for the next section, and so forth. So basically all the sections will just fall back a date, no "fresh" dates creeping in for any postponements, any change will just default to the next date. Hopefully this may make it easier for the diaries of walkers - and leader !
Drink / packed lunch / snack
Depending on the weather, consider suitable clothing, footwear, walking pole(s), sun cream, drinks, and food. Watch out for ticks and remove ASAP. If you are unsure about your ability to undertake this walk, please contact the walks leader. If you need to leave the walking group, please ensure you inform the leader or back marker
Please note there are significant sections of road-walking on this section, in particular towards the end of the walk, which is unfortunate but unavoidable – this is the current coastal path – please walk in single file and take care.
Wise to look at the website on the day just in case of any changes or additional info. And in the event of extreme weather please check back for cancellation /postponement notices. You can also check with Serena on 07564-811690
New walkers welcome
If you are new to the Ramblers you can just turn up for any of our walks, unless we specify otherwise. We invite you to come along for three walks as a non-member.
It's very rare that an emergency occurs, but we may need info about
• Any health concerns that you have
• Any emergency contact information
We'd ask you to make sure that we have ready access to this, if needed
If you would like to join the informal WhatsApp group (or even just temporarily for the purposes of communications regarding this specific walk and then exit again) , please message Serena on 07564-811690 to be added .