We will be walking the Coastal Path round the island in sections - anticlockwise this time.
This is the third of our coastal path stages. It is a linear walk. Meeting at the New Inn, Shalfleet at 10.15am, we will walk via Cranmore Forest, Bouldnor, Yarmouth, and Fort Victoria to Colwell Bay – where there is the option of a swim for anyone for fancies, weather permitting (though the start of May may be a bit optimistic sea temperature-wise….)
For anyone after a shorter walk, there are “escape” points to the main road at Bouldnor or, better, Yarmouth, from either of which you can get a bus back to Newport.
Free toilets at Yarmouth. Fort Victoria, and Colwell. Cafes etc too in those sections.
Allowing for the fact of a relaxed pace and stops, please treat this as a full day’s walking, with a lunch stop.
This section of the walk is actually simpler than some ! Some options:
By car
If you are car sharing or shuffling, park one car at Colwell Common (free onstreet parking - or the Colwell Bay (pay) carpark if you prefer), and take the second back to the start point at Shalfleet (there is on street parking near the New Inn, or across the main road in the Warlands Lane area), ready for a 10.15am start from Shalfleet
By bus (from Newport)
The walk time has been brought forward slightly earlier to fit in with bus times from Newport. It is the 09.45 No 7 bus from Newport bus station, arrives at Shalfleet at 10.04 , for a 10.15am start.
There are No 7 buses back from Colwell to Newport half-hourly at 02 and 32 mins past the hour (both route options a bit convoluted and slow but hey ho, it’s a sit down after the walk)
***These bus times are based on current (winter) timetables as at the time of writing this listing the summer timetable has not yet been published. This will be checked when available and any changes updated here - so please check back beforehand !
Car share
In the interests of the air, parking, and non-drivers, if anyone is able to offer, or needs, a car share then please post on WhatsApp group (to join group please message Serena 07564-811690)
~ Sun 29 June
~ Sun 27 July
~ Sun 17 Aug
~ Sun 7 Sept
*** ~ Sun 28 Sept
***Unsure atm whether or not we will need this date or not to complete the circumnavigation. If not, then I will aim to use this date for another walk or extravaganza
NB : If today's walk has to be postponed for any reason, weather or otherwise, it will simply take place on the date listed for the next section, and so forth. So basically all the sections will just fall back a date, no "fresh" dates creeping in for any postponements, any change will just default to the next date. Hopefully this may make it easier for the diaries of walkers - and leader !
Bring a drink and packed lunch or snack.
Swim stuff if you are contemplating a possible swim at the end of the walk
Depending on the weather, consider suitable clothing, footwear, walking pole(s), sun cream, drinks, and food. Watch out for ticks and remove ASAP. If you are unsure about your ability to undertake this walk, please contact the walks leader. If you need to leave the walking group, please ensure you inform the leader or back marker
Please note there may be short sections of road walking – please walk in single file and take good care.
Wise to look at the website on the day just in case of any changes or additional info. And in the event of extreme weather please check back for cancellation /postponement notices. You can also check with Serena on 07564-811690
New walkers welcome
If you are new to the Ramblers you can just turn up for any of our walks, unless we specify otherwise. We invite you to come along for three walks as a non-member.
It's very rare that an emergency occurs, but we may need info about
- Any health concerns that you have
- Any emergency contact information
We'd ask you to make sure that we have ready access to this, if needed.
If you would like to join the informal WhatsApp group (even just temporarily), please message Serena on 07564-811690 to be added .