To get from Ribblehead Station to Dent Station, in a short 10 miles or so length of track, trains need to cross 3 viaducts and pass through one long tunnel. In this walk we will trace above ground the route of the tunnel and get excellent views of two of those viaducts as well as other Victorian engineering works. As we walk along we will learn some the history of the building of this stretch of railway line.
The walk starts at 300m above sea level and the highest point reached is at 505m
Immediately after lunch there is a 1 km stretch of road walking but otherwise the walk is all on good paths with 5 easy low wooden stiles.
The descent to Dent Head Viaduct is quite steep so walk poles recommended.
There will be post-walk refreshments at the ever popular Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes
Booking essential at