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East Radnor Group

We are the East Radnor Ramblers. We open the way for everyone in our local community to enjoy the pleasures of walking.

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking


Exploring 2 Radnorshire valleys. Mostly open moorland affording distant views.

Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Start time:
10:00 am
Estimated finish time:
3:00 pm
11.3km / 7.0mi

A tricky section in the morning, crossing and re-crossing Black Brook as we make our way up the Davy Morgan Dingle to the source. Reliable waterproof boots and walking poles are strongly advised. The heather will be a compensation! The afternoon is on open moorland tracks with good views to the west. [Note the "Waterfall Walk" is currently inaccessible due to ash dieback.]

Starting point

Grid reference:
SO 18573 59870
Nearest postcode:
Start time:
10:00 am

The car park is not the first one nearest the A44, but a mile further down the track.

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking