There is a limit of 20 attendees for this walk and booking is essential. Please go to and register on the website to access full details and book your place.
A circular walk from Wye with a few climbs and descents, plus great views. Timber Batts at Compasses in Sole Street is the lunchtime pub. Its menu includes tasty Cajun and Louisiana dishes, but it does not serve hot drinks. The interior contains an eclectic "museum" collection. Please email Annette by Wednesday 2 October if you want a pub lunch. In the afternoon we cross the railway line twice and care is necessary. There is a possibility of refreshments on our return to Wye.
There is a limit of 20 attendees for this walk and booking is essential - see website link.
There are no drop-out options and no toilets at Wye Station.
Walking boots are essential and poles would be useful for the descents.