What we do
Footpaths in Powys
Our aim is to help local people and visitors get outside, enjoy the countryside, and discover how walking boosts health and happiness. Unfortunately, many footpaths in Powys are currently difficult to use, largely because of obstructions. We are committed to working with others to make them more accessible.
Paths to Wellbeing
This Ramblers project is putting walking at the heart of 18 selected local communities. Supported by the Welsh Government and in partnership with other bodies, Paths to Wellbeing is engaging with community councils and encouraging volunteers to become involved.
Community engagement
By investing in equipment and skills, Paths to Wellbeing helps volunteers to undertake practical path and habitat maintenance and improvement. Community engagement with paths and green spaces is being strengthened to help local people become more aware of the health and wellbeing benefits of outdoor activity and enjoying nature. Footpath work is being combined with tree planting, wildflower sowing and wildlife activity days.