Who and where we are
Our group is centered on the picturesque town of Banbury but we don’t limit our walking to just North Oxfordshire. We are ideally placed for sorties into the rest of the county (including Oxford city), Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, and in summer months Somerset, Derbyshire and Worcestershire often feature.
Come and join us - you will be very welcome.
At the heart of our programme are short walks every Wednesday and longer ones every Sunday. To make the most of summer we enjoy shorter evening walks on Thursdays from May to August.
If you no longer wish to walk far but want to make and retain your friends in the group whilst getting some exercise, our lunchtime strolls might be for you. We call these our Easy Friday Lunch Walks, starting at 10.30 and normally taking about 90 minutes. Afterwards some of us have lunch in a local pub; it’s up to you.
We also offer short Sunday afternoon strolls several times each month.
At the other end of the spectrum, we have fast-paced walks such as 6 miles in 2 hours on most Saturday mornings.
The recommended way to find our walks is to use our our website.