walkers in the peak district

Our friendly and welcoming volunteers provide a programme of short, led-walks at 24 locations across the city of Sheffield every weekday. Walks are year-round, last from 30 to 75 minutes, and there is no charge to attend.  

If you can't walk continuously for 30 minutes initially, don't worry, we'll start where you’re at and help you progress week by week.  

Whenever possible walks utilise one of Sheffield’s fabulous green spaces so as well as having fun and making new friends, you can enjoy nature and marvel at how, in an industrial city, you can find so much peace and tranquility. 

step out sheffield wellbeing walks logo

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks Step Out Sheffield

Join Ramblers Wellbeing Walks Step out Sheffield for short, local and accessible walks to help you get more active.

Join your Wellbeing Walks Group

  • Walks are over easy ground and taken at steady pace to suit everyone 

  • Walks range from 10 to 90 minutes in length 

  • At least one short walk a week, starting at the same time and place every week 

  • All walks are accessible on foot or by public transport   

  • You only need to join a group once to access all future walks

Find out more

Ramblers wellbeing walks group

Wellbeing Walk Groups

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks groups are all over England and there should be some within easy reach of where you live. Search by location to a local group.

Group walking on paved surface in park, some with walking sticks.

Getting started with walking

Our Wellbeing Walks make getting active easier, for everyone. Because you’ll be walking with others, you’ll feel safe, be supported, and have fun along the way.

Join your Wellbeing Walks Group

  • Walks are over easy ground and taken at steady pace to suit everyone 

  • Walks range from 10 to 90 minutes in length 

  • At least one short walk a week, starting at the same time and place every week 

  • All walks are accessible on foot or by public transport   

  • You only need to join a group once to access all future walks