Walks Manager & Website Status

Last Reviewed: 12/03/2025

This page is being used to communicate to volunteers the status of any reported issues while using Walks Manager or the new website. 

Before reporting an issue, please check if it is already covered on this page. If your issue is not listed, please report it as follows: 

walks manager button

website feedback button

We are continuously reviewing Zendesk queries and feedback form submissions, so if you have raised an issue that isn't listed, please allow us a few more days to check for any other reported issues. 


Walk times appearing an hour later than they are

After reports of this occurring to a small number of users we have found this is an issue caused by Apple's operating system on a small number of older iPads and iPhones. The affected devices are iPads and iPhones still running on iOS 12.5.7, which Apple stopped updating and supporting nearly 18 months ago and are typically circa 10 years old.

A few months after iOS 12.5.7 reached its 'end-of-life date', a bug in how browsers on these devices display time zone conversions became apparent, displaying times that have been adapted for BST with an additional hour added. While not widespread, this issue with 12.5.7 is not Ramblers specific and given the age and unreliable nature of third party end-of-life operating systems, it is not possible to develop a fix for this on the Ramblers side.

We recommend users of devices running iOS 12.5.7 to not use them to view walks on the Ramblers website, and either use the Ramblers app on these devices or use a different device. 


Issues logged for resolution

Each issue has a reference ID to allow us to track their progress. These issues are logged for resolution, with fixes expected in early 2024.

Walks Manager

  • NSD-363:  Unable to see month view in the calendar view on mobile or switch between days


  • RAM-1788: Volunteer web editors do not have option to navigate back to Walks Manger when editing group/area pages
  • NSD-370: Printing a route occasionally generates excessive number of pages to print
  • NSD-361: Email time is out by 1 hour when using contact form.


Future improvements

We will continue to address any bugs & issues within the system to ensure existing functionality is working as intended. Our digital team will also continue to consider future improvements, taking into account feedback from members and volunteers. Should you have any questions or suggestions for new features, please contact supporter care team or submit a response using the feedback options at the top of the page.


Issues previously resolved

A history of all issues resolved thus far is available below:

  • RAM-2852 Non-member benefits: Some non-member users were encountering an error on their "Non-member benefits" page which has now been resolved
  • NSD-423: Status 500: Users creating walks were occasionally getting "Status 500" errors when previewing or viewing walks they had created. This has been resolved.
  • NSD-420 Wellbeing Walks Sign-Up form: Users who were signed in to the website when they accessed the Sign up form for wellbeing walks were encountering erroneous password errors. Fixed 19th April 2024.
  • NSD-399 Duplicate button "Greyed Out": As of the 26th March 2024, this has been resolved for all users. Anyone that still struggles with greyed out duplicate button on their homepage should perform a hard reload by pressing "Ctrl and F5" together to restore your functionality going forward.
  • Ability to view the contact preference settings for each Walk Leader within a group: Users can now see what each walk leader in their group has consented to when creating a walk, so that it will be clear how the walk leader and contact details will appear. A report containing this information can also be found and downloaded from the "Manage Groups" page. See the Walks Manager guidance for more information.
  • NSD-347 Error messaging for CSV import headings does not match CSV file column headings
  • NSD-338: Unable duplicate a walk from the past in table view
  • RAM-2551: Cannot export historic walks
  • NSD-364: Link to contact supporter care fails on ‘Change Ramblers Group’ page
  • RAM-2505: Wellbeing Walks:  Some users cannot sign up to Wellbeing Walks because of a sporadic bug on the ‘Sign Up’ form
  • RAM-2710: Wellbeing Walks: Walks in a series don't always appear in the correct order in search results
  • NSD-365 - Intermittent issue with contact form not sending messages (400 status error)
  • NSD-366 - Some users getting walks from other groups in table view on Walks Manager
  • NSD-330 - Some special characters in the walk description cause the csv upload file to be rejected - please use the CSV UTF-8 format to fix this problem for most special characters. Note for the < > and & you will need to resave the walks in editor view for the characters to display correctly
  • NSDX-009 - No car needed/accessible by public transport filter not working
  • NSD-317 - Intermittent login looping issue for volunteers using Walks Manager
  • NSD-355 - Unable to filter by 10+ miles only
  • NSDX-008 - Some users getting access denied message when trying to edit their group webpage
  • NSD-348 - Group filtering issues including not being retained on search results when changing filters
  • NSDX-006 - Two missing 'Features' icons on Walk Listings
  • NSD-329 - Group walk URL redirects do not work when titles change
  • NSD-340 - Unable to email from event page
  • NSD-339 - Volunteers who have retired from their roles still appearing within Walks Manager (this will take several days to filter through to Walks Manager)
  • NSDX-005 - Walks Manager API returning incorrect grid references in some cases
  • NSDX-003 - Discount for direct debit users for annual renew now displaying as expected
  • NSD-337 - Tick box is too faint and is missed by users
  • NSDX-004 - Group What We Do pages now load correctly
  • NSD-336 - Walk Editors with multiple groups can now filter walks in table view in Walks Manager
  • NSD-334 - Copy updated on Walks Manager contact preference to make it clear that email addresses are used in the contact form only
  • NSD-323 - Warning of 'Meeting Point is required' when submitting to publish after uploading via CSV (Even when one is not included)
  • NSD-324 - Distance from nearest group is not shown on search results page
  • NSD-332 - Group phone number is displayed by default when Walk Leader does not have a phone number (or contact preferences are set to ‘no’)
  • NSDX-002 - ‘Finish time’ to be updated to ‘Estimated finish time’ on group walk page
  • NSD-328 - Walks & Events API does not support order parameter to sort the events by start date as per documentation
  • NSD-333 - Walks Manager CSV Export extracts 24h times as 12h which is inaccurate
  • NSD-308 - Unable to email an area via an area page
  • NSD-314 - Phone numbers for walk leaders not appearing on web pages despite the correct permissions being given
  • NSD-316 - Wellbeing Walks copy referenced on area pages
  • NSD-318 - Uploading ‘Additional information’ via CSV and it is overwritten by a copy of the ‘Walk Description’
ramblers mobile app status page

Mobile App Status

This page displays status updates for the Ramblers mobile app. We want to communicate to volunteers the status of any reported issues while using the mobile app.


Contact us

If you can’t find the information you need on our website, get in touch with our friendly Support Care Team who will be pleased to help.