A brisk walk beginning with an easy stretch along the Basingstoke Canal before undulating across the Ash Ranges to the North East. This is MOD land but there are no access restrictions. A second, more remote, stretch of canal is followed by a section of woodland and the lunch stop at Pirbright. After lunch we visit the fascinating Brookwood civilian and military cemeteries. There are toilets at Ash Vale station but they are not always open. Please use toilets on the train. There will be no more facilities until lunch time.
Lunch: at Pirbright. Please bring picnic - pub for drinks/loos only.
Train/transport details: London Waterloo 09:35; arrive Woking 09:59 (Weymouth train); change Woking 10:11; arrive Ash Vale 10:24 (Alton train). Freedom Pass holders buy from Surbiton.