- Grid reference:
- TQ 39509 55621
- Nearest postcode:
- CR6 9QH
- what3words:
- blog.zips.vanish
- Start time:
- 10:00 am
"We meet at Botley Hill Farmhouse car park for a 5.3m circular walk. Please park close to the entrance to the car park adjacent to Limpsfield Road.
Postal address is: Botley Hill Farmhouse, Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey CR6 9QH.
With frequent road closures in the county it is recommended to check your route with Google maps / any other system with live updates.
Botley Hill Farmhouse is close to Warlingham and Tatsfield on the B269 at the top of Titsey Hill. Please note that sat nav systems do not always accurately direct you to Botley Hill Farmhouse if you use the postcode - use W3W or look at a map before you set out."