Exiting Keswick along the Ambleside Rd and Springs Rd, we will go up through the woods to Rakefoot Farm then along Walla Crag down to Ashness Bridge, up along Watendlath Beck and down to the lake shore at the Lodore Falls hotel.
We then cross Borrowdale to Manesty Woods and walk as much further along the lake shore and Cumbria Way as the group wants to – either all the way back to Keswick or switch to water-based transport from High Brandlehow, Low Brandlehow or Hawse End.
There may be mud so wear boots and waterproofs and bring a debit/credit card (preferred) or cash for the launch as well as lunch, snacks and plenty of fluids.
Ramblers members please bring your card (or App) to show at the walk start. Non Rambler members please book via meet-up, where we ask for £2 donation.
Walk Leader: Kate