Starting at Sedbergh People’s Hall (please park in Howgill Lane on the far side of the recreation ground next to the Hall rather than in its car park), this walk will cross the base of Winder (473m, the fell closest to the town) and continue past Craggstone and Crosdale Woods to the bridleway that ascends to Bram Rigg Top (672m).
We will then walk the short distance to the summit of The Calf (676m) before retracing our steps over Bram Rigg Top to Calders (674m), thereby ‘bagging’ the three highest summits of The Howgills. The descent will be made via the bridleway used by the Dales High Way, either close to Settlebeck Gill into the eastern end of the town or (forking right on the approach to Winder) down to Lockbank Farm in Howgill Lane and into Sedbergh from the west.
The total distance is somewhere between 8 and 10 miles (accurate estimate tbc).