- Grid reference:
- TL 87289 37052
- Nearest postcode:
- CO10 7LX
- what3words:
- fatter.tucked.hawks
- Start time:
- 10:15 am
NB: postcode may be unreliable - use map or w3w fatter.tucked.hawks &/or these directions.
From west/central Essex via Halstead - turn right off A131 into Watery Lane (signpost The Henneys). Follow the road into Henny passing a SP for Church, bear right here onto Clay Hill, 2nd turning right. Car Park is downhill on right -
👀 Look out for C&B sign.
From south/east Essex, via Coggesshall & Pebmarsh OR A12 & B1508 via Bures & Lamarsh.