A classic winter walk on Exmoor, last led by Rex the other way round in pouring rain. This time, it will be walked at a relatively slow pace as this leader is slowing down.
From Simonsbath, we climb through beech woods (said to be the highest in the country) and then walk South East past Winstilchen Farm to cross White Water, a tributory of the Barle, for a coffee stop.
Beyond Pickestone Farm – that is if we have evaded falling arrows from Cow Castle, an iron age fort – our lunch stop has a peaceful view over hill and dale.
We return through the Barle Valley, bravely skirting even closer to Cow Castle this time, and stopping for a tea break at the ruins of miners' cottages overlooking the remains of Wheal Eliza copper and iron ore mine. This has connections with a notorious, upsetting and sad Victorian crime that I will not describe in case it puts you off your tea.