We set off from London Bridge station towards the Golden Hinde, a replica of Sir Francis Drake’s ship, before passing the site of the old Globe Theatre, walking on to the present Globe Theatre and Tate Modern. Turning to cross over the Millennium Bridge, we make our way to St Paul’s Cathedral and then along Cannon Street and up Walbrook, past the Bank of England and along Cornhill to Gracechurch Street, through Leadenhall Market and down past the Monument to Lower Thames Street, taking the Thames Path leading to Sugar Quay. Then we walk past the Tower of London and cross over Tower Bridge to return along the South Bank, passing HMS Belfast on the way.
No mud expected! There are places to get a lunch snack and hot drink, or you can bring a packed lunch. There are toilet facilities en route. If anyone gets tired before the end, they can easily return to London Bridge by public transport, we pass several tube stations.