We will meet outside Temple Underground station and go see the Xmas Lights in the West End. We will start with the lights on the Strand and then Covent Garden. Then onto Trafalgar Square and the Xmas tree, then up Regents Street. We will divert to Carnaby Street and Bond Street before finishing along Oxford Street.
I have made a reservation of tables at the Three Tuns Pub, 1 Portman Mews, London W1H 6HP at 9.00pm (one street north of Oxford Street - just pass Selfridges).
So if you get separated from the group you can go straight to the pub.
Travel: Temple Underground Station is on the Circle and District Line [Zone 1]
No booking required.
Numerous drop out points.
The finishing time is an estimate only and will be dependent on a number of factors, such as, weather, the speed at which the group walks and the number of breaks and photo stops taken