Our forthcoming AGM will be held in the North West Bowling Club, Kilmarnock on Thursday 28th November at 7.00. We will have a large room to ourselves with the bar open for refreshments so hopefully this will also become another occasion for socialising and I urge as many as possible to attend. We plan to get ‘the business part’ quickly out of the way and then have a bit of fun playing ‘Bootle Drive’.
Bring and Buy
This has been a success in the past so, if you have any walking gear of good condition that you think others might be able to use then please bring along. Any monies raised will go to Ayrshire Cancer Support.
Committee Members:
At our 2023 AGM I intimated that I wished to ‘stand down’ at the end of the session and gave my reasons that it was for the benefit of the club that the role of office bearers should rotate more frequently. However, after discussion, I remained in post and was grateful that Leen Wallace agreed to take on the role of Vice Chairperson for the session 2023-2024. Leen is now willing to take on the role of Chairperson for the forthcoming session.
Sadly, Sarah Hall died before she was able to support Morag Lewis in the role of Vice Treasurer but we, as a club, should be very grateful and honoured in the way that Morag accepted the role of Treasurer once Sarah’s illness was deemed so serious.
John Noble and Jenny Logue have intimated their wish to leave the committee this year and I thank them both for their time served and support given to our club.
Sandra Bogle is willing to remain as Secretary and Sarah McRoberts as Walk Programme Coordinator. All other committee members are also willing to remain (John Walker, Robina Reed, Lynn Tully and Ken Stow) and, for this, I am sincerely grateful. I shall also act as an ordinary member next session.
All above, depends of course, on you – the club – and all nominations for any of the posts will be brought forward on the night. Please let me know if you wish to put yourself forward or wish to nominate another for any of the posts mentioned (let them know too).
Agenda Items:
I will be sending out the previous minutes and Agenda items a minimum of a week before the meeting so please let me know of any item that you wish added to the Agenda.
Should you wish to raise a motion then it must be sent to the Secretary a minimum of two weeks before the meeting.
The committee have no new motions to raise this year but recommend that there be no change made to the adopted motion made 2022:
In the event of carsharing when weekend walking the suggested travel contribution should be set at a fair rate, in line with current fuel costs and reviewed annually at the AGM.
This forthcoming session the suggested travel contribution is 35p which should be shared by passengers only.
In the event of carsharing when travelling to/from the destination for a weekend break the travel cost contributions should be determined by individual drivers.
Finally, thank you for sticking with this message and reading to the end and thank you for all that you do within the club.
Kind Regards and hoping to see you at the AGM