A walk with fine views of the unspoilt Thames Valley. The walk follows the Thames from Shiplake Lock to the church by Shiplake College, through the woods beside Crowsley Park to Rotherfield Grays. Then through the Hamlet of Greys Green and National Trust Estate of Greys Court into the beechwoods at Lambridge and past Friar Park the former Estate of Beatle George Harrison.
Please bring a packed lunch.
Dress suitably for the time of year. There are no exit points.
Train/travel details
Depart London Paddington Railway Station (Elizabeth Line) 9:17 (to Reading) arriving Twyford Station 10:05am then Twyford 10:16 (Henley-on-Thames) arriving Shiplake Railway Station 10:23.
Return Henley-on-Thames to Twyford Station every half hour. Twyford to London Paddington (Elizabeth Line) every half hour.
Buy a return to Henley-on-Thames.
No booking required.
The finishing time is an estimate only and will be dependent on a number of factors, such as the weather, the speed at which the group walks and the number of breaks taken.