A walk from Trowbridge to Bradford on Avon, via river and canal paths, followed by fields and moderate hills.
Bring picnic lunch
Registered assistance dogs only
Outward trains to Trowbridge
from Bristol Temple Meads ETD 08:45 ETA 09:25
from Weymouth ETD 07:33 ETA 09:03
return trains from Bradford on Avon
To Bristol Temple Meads - frequent service
To Weymouth 16:36
Please purchase your ticket for the station furthest from your departure station.
Most railway stations do not have toilet facilities, so it is advisable to use the facilities on the train before alighting if needed.
Please check the train times before travelling. Go to www.gwr.com, or National Rail Enquiries - https://www.nationalrail.co.uk, tel 03457 484950,
Whilst the walks are risk assessed, and may be changed at short notice if necessary, it is your responsibility to ensure your own personal health and safety by wearing appropriate footwear and clothing, and brininging sufficient food and drink.