
Our latest stories, views and opinions on topics related to walking. 

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A female traveller with a backpack standing on steep steps in Petra, Jordan

Reclaiming the joys and freedoms of solo walking

A devastating attack while walking alone left Winnie M Li traumatized and fearful. She explains how she reclaimed the joys and freedoms of solo travel.

A walker with umbrella in hand on a road between fields.

A personal perspective on rural racism by Jo Yuen

Jo Yuen shares their experience and views relating to rural racism to help broaden our understanding of this complex issue.

A female walker with a path in the background taking a selfie.

A personal perspective on rural racism by Nadia Shaikh

Nadia Shaikh shares their experience and views relating to rural racism to help broaden our understanding of this complex issue.

A female standing by a tree with a grand building in the background

A personal perspective on rural racism by Corinne Fowler 

Corinne Fowler shares their experience and views relating to rural racism to help broaden our understanding of this complex issue. 

A walker wih backpack on, standing in front of a gate, leaning on the stone post.

A personal perspective on rural racism by Maxwell Ayamba

Maxwell Ayamba shares their experience and views relating to rural racism to help broaden our understanding of this complex issue.

London Blind Ramblers walking up a path in Surrey

Walking with the London Blind Ramblers

London Blind Ramblers organise walks for visually impaired people, thanks to support from Ramblers groups who lead walks and provide sighted guides


Munro bagging as a type one diabetic

Helen describes how having diabetes doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy long and challenging walks. But careful preparation is needed.

Two young walkers strolling with wellies on a narrow path

Why the Ramblers is committed to being an anti-racist organisation 

Going for a walk is something many of us take for granted. But some people don’t feel they are welcome to enjoy walking.

Ramblers volunteers carrying maintenance tools across a field

How you can keep paths open and accessible

From getting out and exploring them to lending your voice to our campaigns, there’s plenty of things you can do to support our path network.

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