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Isle of Wight Group

We are the Isle of Wight Ramblers. We arrange walks, monitor paths and help our local community to enjoy the pleasures of walking.


Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking
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The Charles Dickens Trail

A new trail  ! 😀

"The Charles Dickens Trail has been created as a tribute to the 175th anniversary of Charles Dickens last visit to the Isle of Wight in the summer of 1849 with his family.
The 6.3 mile walk uncovers some of the hidden gems connected to Charles Dickens life"

So….you may well already have heard about the launch of this new and exciting literary Trial, exploring Charles Dickens' links with the Island. For anyone who has missed out on the IOWR AGM and David Howarth's launch at the May Isle of Wight Walking Festival - or simply if you would like to do the walk again ! - I am planning it as a Sunday ramble on the Whitsun holiday weekend.

Not fully recce'd yet (any further details will if applic be updated on this website once it has been), but this should be a great linear route with some stunning  views, as well as some Charles Dickens info along the way. Get informed and fit all at one go ! 

We will start at St Blasius church carpark in Shanklin (by Big Mead) and head up behind the church on the Worsley Trail. A steep climb over the Downs to Ventnor (but worth it for the views) up to the radar station, then down through Ventnor to sea level (seaside lunch stop) and then on to Bonchurch where the Charles Dickens Trail ends (with a further uphill to the main road). So long as Leeson Road remains open there are handy No 3 buses from Bonchurch Shute stop half hourly ( at 20 and 50 mins past each hour) back to the start of the walk at Shanklin. 

***These bus times are based on current (winter) timetables as at the time of writing this listing the summer timetable has not yet been published. This will be checked when available and any changes updated here - so please check back beforehand !

Be aware : definitely some uphills/downhills in this part of the Island - this programme entry will be updated with a little more detail nearer the time, once recce'd - but this should  be an interesting  walk with a theme, as well as some good views, weather permitting

Toilets  / cafes not until Ventnor I think 

[There is a possibility of continuing and walking back to the startpoint but this has not been recce'd as yet, and as it presently stands Leeson Road , Upper Bonchurch and No 3 bus back from Bonchurch Shute bus stop is the end of the listed ramblers walk] 


By car:

There is a free carpark in car park St Blasius  Church, but it is not huge so maybe allow enough time to find onstreet carparking in the vicinity just in case it is full.

(If you are carshare/shuffling then park wherever you can find in Bonchurch)

By public transport:

The No 3 bus which leaves Ryde at 09.25 arrives at Big Mead at 10.16

The No 3 bus which leaves Newport bus station  at 09.35 arrives at Big Mead at 10.29

The start of the walk is only a minute or two’s walk from the Big Mead bus stop (but if you are getting the bus which arrives at 10.29 then wise to let us know so we can be sure not to depart without you…)
***These bus times are based on current (winter) timetables as at the time of writing this listing the summer timetable has not yet been published. This will be checked when available and any changes updated here - so please check back beforehand !

Car share:

In the interests of the air, parking, and non-drivers, if anyone is able to offer, or needs, a carshare then please post on WhatsApp group (to join group please message Serena 07564-811690)


Sunday, 25 May 2025
Start time:
10:30 am
Estimated finish time:
2:30 pm
10.5km / 6.5mi

Bring drinks - and lunch / snack as desired

Depending on the weather, consider suitable clothing, footwear, walking pole(s) (this walk is a steep one, and additionally may be muddy in parts) , sun cream, drinks, and food. Watch out for ticks and remove ASAP. If you are unsure about your ability to undertake this walk, please contact the walks leader. If you need to leave the walking group, please ensure you inform the leader or back marker

Please note there may be short sections of road walking – please walk in single file and take good care.

Wise to look at the website on the day just in case of any changes or additional info. And in the event of extreme weather please check back for cancellation /postponement  notices.   You can also check with Serena on 07564-811690

New walkers welcome

If you are new to the Ramblers you can just turn up for any of our walks, unless we specify otherwise.  We invite you to come along for three walks as a non-member.


It's very rare that an emergency occurs, but we may need info about

•             Any health concerns that you have

•             Any emergency contact information

We'd ask you to make sure that we have ready access to this, if needed


If you would like to join the informal WhatsApp  group (or even just temporarily for the purposes of communications regarding this specific walk and then exit again) , please message Serena on 07564-811690 to be added .



  • Accessible by public transport
  • Car parking available
  • No car needed

Starting point

Grid reference:
SZ 57907 80589
Nearest postcode:
PO37 6FN
Start time:
10:30 am

St Blasius church carpark, Big Mead, Shanklin

Finishing point

Grid reference:
SZ 57795 78376
Nearest postcode:
PO38 1PT
Estimated finish time:
2:30 pm

Leeson Road Bonchurch (this is the end of the Trail - return bus to Shanklin by No 3 bus from Bonchurch Shute bus stop, upper Bonchurch) [There is a possibility of continuing and walking back to the start point but this has not been recce'd as yet, and as it presently stands Leeson Road , Upper Bonchurch and No 3 bus back from Bonchurch Shute bus stop is the end of the listed ramblers walk]

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking