Walk from Harford Moor Gate to encompass Butterdon Hill, Piles Hill and Piles Copse. We’ll walk alongside a stone row and pass Hobajohn’s Cross and the (no longer) recumbent longstone before reaching Piles Hill. Some stunning views (weather permitting) before we head down to Piles Copse, a beautiful English oak ancient woodland alongside the river Erme.
There will be a section of there and back the same way in order to get to Piles Copse without clambering down a steep and difficult slope. Moorland tracks and paths. Couple of small stream crossings. Some ups and downs.
Bring a packed lunch as well as a drink for our mid-morning coffee stop.
The information in this section may be updated nearer the time, so do check again the day before the walk.
Book by text to walk leader. Please do not email.