We leave Hindon heading North into Great Ridge Wood, one of the largest woods in Southern England. It is so big that it has metal signs giving their map coordinates so emergency services can find you. An early version of what3words? Having walked the wood a few times you appreciate having a modern GPS device. We may well walk for 2 hours without meeting another walker or a vehicle.
We will encounter a Roman Road, read about highway men (see image above) and with any luck hear soaring raptors in full mating plumage.
However we will need to cross the busy A303 twice during the day so please wear colourful clothing or high viz on the day. This probably explains why the wood is rarely walked.
Be aware that we have a couple of long slow climbs, not particularly steep just long and steady.
Packed lunch.
Assistance Dogs only.
Booking opens at 10.00 25/03/25 and closes 10.00 01/04/25.
Email a contact phone number to the walk leader using the link in the black box near the top of the page.