Walk Leaders: Jane P. and Maggie S.
A circular walk from Stone Lane Gardens. Some lanes and a short section of unavoidable main road walking on the A382 in single file to reach a delightful section of the Two Moors Way from Dogmarsh Bridge appreciating ‘Granite Song’ in the Teign before Rushford Mill Farm. Onwards on footpath and lane to Shilstone to view The Spinsters Rock cromlech “in Devonshire the only perfect specimen”, (Dartmoor Magazine, Autumn 2023) a Neolithic burial chamber.
Visiting the 5 acre woodland and water garden is optional at the end as it is open, (charge £7) famous for National Collections of Birch and Alder trees plus many bog plants as a stream runs through it.
If you would like to join this walk, please notify the leaders, preferably by email, so that they can inform you of any late changes to arrangements.