There is a limit of 20 people for this walk and booking is essential. Please book after 15 March using the email link.
Catch the 09.00 train from Waterloo, changing at Woking for the 09.30 to Alton, and arriving at 10.09. At Woking we should arrive and depart at platform 5, with not need to change platforms, but check.
After leaving Alton, we climb through woods and then follow paths across fields. There are climbs all day and some are steep. We should be rewarded with lovely views and spring flowers. Lunch is at the Sun Inn, Bentworth - website link below. If you want a pub lunch, please email Annette by Tuesday 15 April.
Return trains are normally at 15 and 44 minutes past the hour. There is a possibility of tea in Alton or at the Waitrose cafe near the station. The toilets at Alton Station are usually open.