This medium moderate / strenuous 9 mile walk starts from Edale CP SK12408535. S33 7ZQ.
There is a charge of £6.80 for the car park. If by any chance this car park is full there is parking at the station. The overall ascent is 1600 ft and I have added the strenuous because the climb to Rushup Edge is pretty tough but the rest of the walk isn’t bad at all. We walk along the Pennine Way to Upper Booth then parallel to the river Noe to Barber Booth. Climb up Chapel Gate track to Rushup Edge, along the edge to Mam Tor then along to Hollins Cross and diagonally back over the fields to Edale.
We will start at 10 am and stop for coffee and lunch. I can give a lift to 2 people and my number is 07736391108
PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE ON THE DAY FOR ANY CHANGES TO THE WALK. NB Finish times are intended as a guide only. You do not need to book a place on this walk.
Ramblers Association recommends that all walkers carry ICE (in case of emergency) information